
Charlotte, IA 

January 2024 Minutes

Charlotte City Council Proceedings

DECEMBER 12, 2023

Mayor Kelly Snyder called the regular meeting of the Charlotte City Council to order at 6:00 PM with council members Snyder, Labarr, Eberhart and Hosette present. Lamaack was absent.

The consent agenda included the approval of the agenda, the clerk’s financial report, the minutes of the December 12, 2023, regular meeting and the following revenues and expenses:

Bills paid prior to Meeting:

941 Tax – 1,473.58

IPERS – 1,019.51

State W/H- 108.11

Sales Tax- 22.33

Water Excise Tax- 431.09

Alliant- 1,947.85

Windstream, phone & internet- 671.27


Accounts Payable for Meeting:

Clinton County Sheriff, monthly contract – 1,143.00

Cedar Rapids Municipal, testing- 12.50

Clinton Printing, flyers- 50.00

Cynthia Stimson, reports- 59.51

Dale Rathje, cement reimbursement- 1,164.25

Electrical Engineering, generator pm’s- 1,095.00

F&B, software/email- 83.25

Gordon Flesch, copier- 56.80

Iowa One Call, locates- 21.60

John Deere Financial, misc- 33.67

Kelly Snyder, Winterfest- 184.39

Lynch-Dallas, legal- 360.64

Observer, publications- 72.25

Republic, garbage contract- 2,987.94

River Valley, LP- 879.49

Schimberg, valve- 18.40

Visa, office supplies & Christmas lights- 515.78


Gross Wages

$ 6,731.26


DECEMBER    FUND                   REVENUES            EXPENSES

GENERAL FUND                          $ 7,444.81              $ 13,100.96

ROAD USE FUND                        $ 3,213.07               $ 2,406.40                      

Employee Benefit                        $ 257.15                  $ 411.47       

Emergency Fund                         $ 81.76                    $ 

LOST FUND                                  $ 4,801.88               $

FEMA                                                $                              $

ARP                                                   $                              $

Water                                            $ 12,035.85             $ 2,858.87

Sewer                                            $ 4,025.38               $ 1,486.05


TOTAL:                                           $ 31,859.90              $ 20,263.75



A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Labarr with a second by Eberhart.  All Ayes.


Public Forum:

No written or oral comments were made.


            A motion to approve Thola building permit was made by Hosette with a second by Snyder. All ayes.




Mayor Snyder reported that the municipal infractions against Pitts and Jahn have been drawn up and the attorney will proceed on his schedule. The Droste building is being treated for asbestos and will be coming down by February 8th. She also reported that Winterfest was a huge success!


Motion to adjourn at 6:09 PM by Snyder with a second by Labarr. All Ayes.



                                                                                                Kelly Snyder, Mayor




Chris Budde, City Clerk