
Charlotte, IA 

November 2024 Minutes

Charlotte City Council Proceedings


Mayor Kelly Snyder called the regular meeting of the Charlotte City Council to order at 6:00 PM with council members Eberhart, Lamaack, Hosette and Snyder present.  Labarr was absent.

The consent agenda included the approval of the agenda, the clerk’s financial report, the minutes of the October 8th regular meeting of 2024, and the following revenues and expenses:

Bills paid prior to Meeting:

941 Tax – 3,103.85

IPERS – 1,194.50

State W/H- 340.98

Sales Tax- 18.85

Water Excise Tax- 443.85

Alliant- 1,861.04

Windstream, phone & internet- 546.24

Visa, office supplies- 84.71


Accounts Payable for Meeting:

AT Disposal, garbage- 6,844.45

Cedar Rapids Municipal, testing- 50.00

Chem-Rite Labs, testing- 142.00

Clinton County Sheriff, monthly contract – 1,186.80

F&B, software/email- 73.50

Ferguson, yearly subscription- 1,250.00

Gordon Flesch, copier- 53.26

Iowa One Call, locates- 19.80

IRWA, dues- 305.00

JJJ Enterprises, 6 curb boxes- 1,100.00

John Deere Financial, misc & parts & labor- 1,191.62

Kline Sewer & Drain, labor- 1,000.00

LL Pelling, roads- 27,990.80

Mulgrew, propane- 1,645.21

Observer, publications- 68.48

Preston Telephone Co., phone & internet- 394.04

Ray Petersen, camp refund- 325.00

Rhonda Marlowe, speed bumps- 87.45

Sally Hinrichsen, reports- 120.99

Schimberg, curb boxes- 484.50


Gross Wages

$ 7,843.75


OCTOBER    FUND                     REVENUES          EXPENSES

GENERAL FUND                          $ 44,821.20          $ 8,466.16

ROAD USE FUND                        $ 2,929.61             $ 1,356.07                        

Employee Benefit                        $ 6,300.51             $ 386.74

Emergency Fund                         $                            $ 

LOST FUND                                  $ 5,448.64              $

FEMA                                                $                             $

ARP                                                   $                             $

Water                                            $ 7,685.76              $ 6,610.47

Sewer                                            $ 3,894.53              $ 2,459.64                                       

TOTAL:                                           $ 71,080.25            $ 19,279.0

A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Hosette with a second by Lamaak.  All ayes.


Public Forum: 

Shelly Mohr spoke against accepting the outdoor siren from the County.  Erin George, Clinton County Supervisor, spoke about the outdoor sirens and stated the county is working on funding for weather radios.  Bill McDonald thanked the council for serving and reminded them they are to represent the will of the citizens.  Drew Marlowe spoke against accepting the outdoor siren from the County.


New Fire Station:  Hosette reported on the progress toward the new fire station.  Official plans have been received and the Fire Station committee will discuss next steps.


Siren:  Motion by Hosette, seconded by Eberhart to not accept the gift of the outdoor sirens from Clinton County.  Roll Call Vote:  All Ayes


Stray Cats:  Discussion on stray cats in town.


Sidewalks:  The council will be addressing sidewalks in poor condition in the spring.  Property owners will be notified if their sidewalks are in need of repair.  There will be a quarterly newsletter from the City delivered starting in January to remind owners to start looking at their sidewalks. This newsletter will be mailed to owners who do not reside in their properties in town.


Maintenance Wage/Benefits:  Motion by Hosette, seconded by Snyder to approve back vacation pay for Rhonda Marlowe for which she was eligible for at nine years of employment.  Vote:  All Ayes.  Motion by Lamaack, seconded by Snyder to approve up to 24 hours of sick leave for Rhonda Marlowe annually.  This leave will not accumulate and will start over at her anniversary date each year. Vote: All Ayes.


Building Permit 114 Broadway: Tabled, must obtain DNR/FEMA approval prior to approval of building permit.


Streets Financial Report (SFR):  Motion by Hosette, seconded by Snyder to approve the SFR.  Vote:  All Ayes.





Mayor Snyder reported new laminate flooring has been purchased for the council room. She has discussed the grass/weeds on properties with the attorney, and this should be addressed in the spring.  She reported she discussed adding the wind turbines wording to the city ordinances.


Seth Ashpole reported the lift station has been cleaned out.  No other issues to report.


Rhonda Marlowe reported she will add a light by the fuel tanks and discussed water meters at unoccupied homes and buildings.


Kelly Hosette reported the Fire Dept Children’s Christmas party will be held December 14 from 10 AM – 12 PM at the Fire Station.  She will also be working on a quarterly town newsletter. 


Motion to adjourn at 7:03 PM by Snyder with a second by Lamaack. All Ayes.



                                                                                                Kelly Snyder, Mayor




Peggy Sellnau, Acting City Clerk