
Charlotte, IA 

June 2024 Minutes

Charlotte City Council Proceedings

JUNE 11, 2024

Mayor Kelly Snyder called the regular meeting of the Charlotte City Council to order at 6:00 PM with council members Snyder, Eberhart, Labarr and Hosette present. Lamaack was absent.

The consent agenda included the approval of the agenda, the clerk’s financial report, the minutes of the May 14th regular meeting of 2024, and the following revenues and expenses:

Bills paid prior to Meeting:

941 Tax – 2,111.76

IPERS – 1,209.26

State W/H- 345.32

Sales Tax-22.33

Water Excise Tax- 432.90

Alliant- 1,862.71

Windstream, phone & internet- 545.48


Accounts Payable for Meeting:

Assumption Cemetery, stipend- 200.00

Cedar Rapids Municipal, testing- 12.50

Clinton County Sheriff, monthly contract – 1,143.00

Charlotte Days, donation- 2,075.00

Charlotte Fire Association, stipend- 1,000.00

Charlotte First Responders, stipend- 1,000.00

Chem Right Labs- 112.00

EMC Insurance, work comp- 1,533.00

F&B, software/email- 73.50

Fr. Bob Cloos, service- 75.00

Genesis Medical Center, 28E Agreement- 1,400.00

Gordon Flesch, copier- 48.00

Great Western Supply, parks- 129.30

JJJ, water main and water/sewer hookup- 10,053.20

J&S, fuel- 150.00

Lynch-Dallas, legal- 1,849.58

Maquoketa Lumber, campground- 91.00

Observer, publications- 104.55

Porter Insurance, insurance- 393.00

Republic, garbage contract- 2,932.19

Rossiter Cemetery, stipend- 200.00

Spahn & Rose, park- 1,199.26

Visa, park benches- 870.16


Gross Wages

$ 8,881.10


MAY FUND                                  REVENUES           EXPENSES

GENERAL FUND                          $ 22,282.92            $ 18,127.67

ROAD USE FUND                        $ 2,978.44               $ 4,267.74                      

Employee Benefit                        $ 984.88                  $ 489.94  

Emergency Fund                         $313.18                 $ 

LOST FUND                                  $ 5,102.04               $

FEMA                                                $ 645.90                  $

ARP                                                   $                              $

Water                                            $ 8,573.24               $ 4,568.35

Sewer                                            $ 3,758.84              $ 2,013.58


TOTAL:                                           $ 44,639.44            $ 29,467.28




A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Labarr with a second by Eberhart.  All ayes.


Public Forum: 

No written or oral comments were made.


            A motion to approve Dad’s Place Cigarette Permit was made by Snyder with a second by Labarr. All ayes.

            A motion to approve Dad’s Place Liquor License was made by Snyder with a second by Eberhart. All ayes.

            A motion to approve Hwy 136 Liquor License was made by Hosette with a second by Labarr. All ayes.

Sidewalk was tabled until next month.

            A motion to approve Ordinance 2024-00 Utility Rate Change was made by Hosette with a second by Labarr. All ayes. The council waived the first and second hearing and adopted the resolution tonight.

            A motion to update Chapter 2 Nuisance Ordinance was made by Hosette with a second by Labarr. All ayes.

            A motion to approve Resolution 2024-02 Transfer Funds was made by Labarr with a second by Snyder. All ayes.

The council discussed the dangerous animal ordinance. This was tabled until next month to give the council time to rewrite it.

Megan Graves attended the meeting to update the council on her building permit. She has now obtained 2 out of the 3 permits and the last one should be approved this week.

            A motion to approve the Lutheran Church building permit was made by Hosette with a second by Snyder. All ayes.

There were no updates on the new fire station.

            A motion to approve the fiber optic water usage rate was made by Hosette with a second by Snyder. All ayes.

Hosette brought different pricing for fuel tanks. The council tabled this until next month to gather usage information from the city and the fire department.



Mayor Snyder reported that Cut-Rite will be here in the next week to take care of the trees. She mentioned that Republic Garbage sent out a postcard informing the city that the resident garbage schedule was going to change. This card was sent by error and garbage pick up is still on the normal schedule.

Rhonda reported that she will be working on the volleyball court- adding sand, leveling it off and updating the court.


Motion to adjourn at 6:42 PM by Snyder with a second by Labarr. All Ayes.



                                                                                                Kelly Snyder, Mayor




Chris Budde, City Clerk