August 2024 Minutes
Charlotte City Council Proceedings
AUGUST 13TH, 2024
Mayor Kelly Snyder called the regular meeting of the Charlotte City Council to order at 6:00 PM with council members Eberhart, Labarr, Lamaack and Hosette present. Snyder was absent.
The consent agenda included the approval of the agenda, the clerk’s financial report, the minutes of the July 9th regular meeting of 2024, and the following revenues and expenses:
Bills paid prior to Meeting:
941 Tax – 2,208.16
IPERS – 1,240.95
State W/H- 356.41
Sales Tax- 22.33
Water Excise Tax- 435.90
Alliant- 2,257.34
Visa, SASE- 845.75
Windstream, phone & internet- 545.48
Accounts Payable for Meeting:
Bernie’s Heating & Air, labor- 80.00
Clinton County Sheriff, monthly contract – 1,186.80
Cedar Rapids Municipal, testing- 25.00
Chris Budde, mileage- 186.54
Drew Marlowe, stipend- 400.00
F&B, software/email- 118.50
Gordon Flesch, copier- 43.78
Heiar Painting, Christmas lights- 280.00
IDNR, NPDES fee- 85.00
Iowa One Call, locates- 15.30
J & S Endeavors, fuel- 565.00
John Deere Financial, parks & campground- 609.62
Observer, publications- 71.40
Porter Insurance, insurance- 704.00
Preston Telephone Co., phone & internet- 840.62
River Valley Coop, fuel- 376.75
State Hygienic Lab, testing- 259.00
Visa, office supplies and misc maintenance- 290.70
Water Solutions, chemicals- 205.34
Gross Wages
$ 9,363.10
GENERAL FUND $ 24,609.53 $ 14,289.81
ROAD USE FUND $ 2,975.91 $ 12,628.38
Employee Benefit $ 129.08 $ 505.15
Emergency Fund $ 41.04 $
LOST FUND $ 5,569.66 $
FEMA $ $
ARP $ $
Water $ 8,732.42 $ 3,444.42
Sewer $ 3,742.21 $ 2,499.50
TOTAL: $ 45,799.85 $ 33,367.26
A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Hosette with a second by Lamaack. All ayes.
Public Forum:
No written or oral comments were made.
Holt sidewalk was tabled until next month.
Regarding the new fire station: to apply for any grants, the department needs to have stamped engineered blueprints completed. The cost of this is $3,000.00. Mayor Snyder is asking the council to pay for have of this cost.
A motion to approve having the city pay for half of the blueprint expense for the fire department was made by Lamaack with a second by Labarr. All ayes.
Mayor Snyder reported that there will be streets blocked off during Charlotte Days. The properties on Park Avenue are both out of compliance and will be turned over to the city attorney to proceed with charges. The property on Broadway has made progress and appears that it will make the deadline for compliance. She also asked the clerk to have the sheriff’s department serve papers to a resident regarding their overgrown yard. Mayor Snyder brought to the council’s attention that there was an incident where two dogs broke through their fence and charged at a neighbor. The clerk will also be sending a letter to this person as well.
Rhonda reported that Kenny is done working until the first of the year. She also mentioned that the water surveys have been sent out and need to be completed asap and sent back to the city.
Seth attended the meeting and reported that everything looks good at the lagoon.
Hosette informed the council about changes that will be happening regarding the county siren. The clerk will ask Chance to attend next month’s meeting for more details.
Motion to adjourn at 6:32 PM by Lamaack with a second by Labarr. All Ayes.
Kelly Snyder, Mayor
Chris Budde, City Clerk