July 2024 Minutes
Charlotte City Council Proceedings
JULY 9, 2024
Mayor Kelly Snyder called the regular meeting of the Charlotte City Council to order at 6:00 PM with council members Snyder, Eberhart, Labarr, Lamaack and Hosette present.
The consent agenda included the approval of the agenda, the clerk’s financial report, the minutes of the June 11th regular meeting of 2024, and the following revenues and expenses:
Bills paid prior to Meeting:
941 Tax – 1,971.68
IPERS – 1,135.51
State W/H- 324.05
Sales Tax- 22.33
Water Excise Tax- 432.97
Alliant- 2,076.85
Visa, parks & office- 597.71
Windstream, phone & internet- 545.48
Accounts Payable for Meeting:
Clinton County Sheriff, monthly contract – 1,186.80
Cut Rite Tree Service, tree removal- 10,500.00
DNR, water fee dues- 42.68
ECIA, dues- 295.64
Electrical Engineering, 290.00
F&B, software/email- 73.50
Gordon Flesch, copier- 43.68
Iowa DNR, dues- 42.68
Iowa League of Cities, dues- 482.00
John Deere Financial, parks- 54.37
Kenny Mohr, mileage- 39.30
Lynch-Dallas, legal- 777.72
Manatts, cold patch- 406.35
MVP, maintenance- 400.00
Observer, publications- 80.75
P&K, mower- 26.58
Petty Cash- 200.00
Preston Ready Mix, Sand- 749.76
Republic, garbage contract- 2,932.19
Rhonda Marlowe, mileage- 58.95
Spahn & Rose, park- 99.64
Water Solutions, chemicals- 648.62
Gross Wages
$ 8,310.26
GENERAL FUND $ 57,547.87 $ 21,210.38
ROAD USE FUND $ 4,233.10 $ 3,994.33
Employee Benefit $ 42.29 $ 454.33
Emergency Fund $13.45 $
LOST FUND $ 3,546.73 $ 35,000.00
FEMA $ $
ARP $ $
Water $ 10,942.26 $ 9,150.99
Sewer $ 3,644.65 $ 4,935.15
TOTAL: $ 79,970.35 $ 74,745.38
A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Hosette with a second by Lamaack. All ayes.
Public Forum:
No written or oral comments were made.
A motion to approve Ploog building permit was made by Eberhart with a second by Labarr. All ayes.
A motion to approve the Fire Department contract with the city for another five years was made by Lamaack with a second by Labarr. All ayes.
No updates on the new fire station.
Kelly Hosette presented to the council price/product comparisons regarding propane, gas, diesel and fuel tanks. The council discussed this at length and chose the company with the better price.
A motion to approve switching from River Valley to Mulgrew was made by Snyder with a second by Hosette. All ayes.
Sidewalks have been tabled until next month.
A motion to approve paying Drew Marlowe a stipend for last year’s campground host and this year’s as well, at $400.00 per year was made by Lamaack with a second by Snyder. All ayes.
The Fire Department liquor license has been put on hold for now.
The council discussed the bid for road work in town this year.
A motion to approve the bid with clarification regarding Main Street was made by Hosette with a second by Snyder. All ayes.
Mayor Snyder reported that there has been a judgement placed against 121 Broadway Street and the party has until August 15th to put a façade on the front of the building or tear it down.
Hosette reported that this coming Saturday July 13th is the side x side ride and that the road in front of city hall will be closed for this event.
Motion to adjourn at 6:30 PM by Snyder with a second by Labarr. All Ayes.
Kelly Snyder, Mayor
Chris Budde, City Clerk