
Charlotte, IA 

September 2024 Minutes

Charlotte City Council Proceedings


Mayor Kelly Snyder called the regular meeting of the Charlotte City Council to order at 6:00 PM with council members Eberhart, R. Snyder, Lamaack and Hosette present. Labarr was absent.

The consent agenda included the approval of the agenda, the clerk’s financial report, the minutes of the August 13th regular meeting of 2024, and the following revenues and expenses:

Bills paid prior to Meeting:

941 Tax – 808.58

IPERS – 1,188.61

State W/H- 339.29

Sales Tax-21.65

Water Excise Tax- 454.90

Alliant- 2,312.59

Windstream, phone & internet- 546.27


Accounts Payable for Meeting:

AT Disposal, garbage- 10,248.00

Clinton County Sheriff, monthly contract – 1,186.80

Dean Grimm, labor- 150.00

Drew Marlowe, stipend- 400.00

ECIA, codification- 485.00

F&B, software/email- 73.50

Gordon Flesch, copier- 43.77

Iowa DNR, dues- 210.00

JJJ, water service- 1,732.22

John Deere Financial, parks & campground- 1,247.80

Lynch-Dallas, legal- 92.50

Mulgrew, tank rental & delivery- 250.00

Observer, publications- 71.12

Preston Telephone Co., phone & internet- 394.04

Rhonda Marlowe, mileage- 52.26

Sensaphone, renewal- 419.40

State Hygienic Lab, testing- 259.00

USA Bluebook, paint- 88.70


Gross Wages

$ 7,891.34


AUGUST   FUND                         REVENUES           EXPENSES

GENERAL FUND                          $ 12,332.07           $ 9,995.35

ROAD USE FUND                        $ 2,746.74              $ 3,145.66                       

Employee Benefit                        $ 22.79                   $ 480.03

Emergency Fund                         $                              $ 

LOST FUND                                  $ 5,023.45               $

FEMA                                                $                              $

ARP                                                   $                              $

Water                                            $ 8,006.27                $ 3,129.93

Sewer                                            $ 3,450.51               $ 1,671.87


TOTAL:                                           $ 31,581.83             $ 18,422.84



A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Hosette with a second by Lamaack.  All ayes.


Public Forum:   No written or oral comments were made.


Holt Sidewalk Reimbursement:  Motion by Hosette, second by Snyder to approve reimbursement of three (3) yards of concrete for a total of $448.50.  Vote:  All Ayes


New Fire Station:  Mayor Snyder reported that the Fire Department is in the process of applying for grants for beginning excavation and cement foundation.


Code of Ordinance:  Discussed the update of the code of ordinances every five years.  Will be done in October.


Approve Annual Financial Report (AFR):  Motion by Hosette, second by Lamaack to approve the FY 2024 AFR, Vote:  All Ayes


Wind Turbine Resolution 2024-03:  Motion by Hosette, second by Snyder to approve Resolution 2024-03, which requests Clinton County establish a setback of large-scale wind turbine developments of two miles from the City limits of Charlotte.  Vote:  All Ayes


Land – this is tabled to the October meeting


Fence permit – 106 Louise Street:  this was tabled.  More information is needed.




Mayor Snyder reported Charlotte Days was a great success.  She is seeking a new chairperson or committee to take over for next year.  Emergency Management staff will attend the October council meeting to discuss the discontinuation of the county sirens.  Mayor Snyder gave an update on junk vehicles on properties and dogs running at large.


Motion to adjourn at 6:57 PM by Snyder with a second by Lamaack. All Ayes.



                                                                                                Kelly Snyder, Mayor




Peggy Sellnau, Acting City Clerk