February 2024 Minutes
Charlotte City Council Proceedings
FEBRUARY 13, 2024
Mayor Kelly Snyder called the regular meeting of the Charlotte City Council to order at 6:00 PM with council members Snyder, Labarr, Eberhart, Lamaack and Hosette present.
The consent agenda included the approval of the agenda, the clerk’s financial report, the minutes of the January 9, 2024, regular meeting and the following revenues and expenses:
Bills paid prior to Meeting:
941 Tax – 1,927.53
IPERS – 1,266.54
State W/H- 178.12
Sales Tax- 22.33
Water Excise Tax- 431.48
Alliant- 1,906.67
Midwest Motor Sports, wipers/mirror- 776.76
Rhonda Marlowe, mileage- 165.49
Windstream, phone & internet- 611.68
Accounts Payable for Meeting:
Assumption Cemetery, stipend- 200.00
Clinton County Sheriff, monthly contract – 1,143.00
Cedar Rapids Municipal, testing- 25.00
Charlotte Electric, city work- 2,499.25
Charlotte Fire Association, stipend- 1,000.00
Charlotte First Responders, stipend- 1,000.00
Colonial Square, 1099 submittal- 32.00
EMC Insurance, auto- 334.00
F&B, software/email- 83.25
Gordon Flesch, copier- 50.92
Iowa One Call, locates- 24.30
J&S Endeavors, fuel- 135.00
John Deere Financial, misc- 207.00
Lynch-Dallas, legal- 798.64
Midwest Motor Sports- 182.99
Observer, publications- 50.15
Republic, garbage contract- 2,987.94
River Valley, diesel- 381.15
Rossiter Cemetery, stipend- 200.00
USA Bluebook, steel marker- 218.09
Visa, office supplies and misc maintenance- 133.40
Water Solutions, chemicals- 306.23
Gross Wages
$ 8,522.67
GENERAL FUND $ 9,094.48 $ 12,735.13
ROAD USE FUND $ 3,061.75 $ 4,085.76
Employee Benefit $ 2.70 $ 493.26
Emergency Fund $ .86 $
LOST FUND $ 4,390.21 $
FEMA $ $
ARP $ $
Water $ 8,192.86 $ 3,262.87
Sewer $ 3,560.86 $ 1,946.96
TOTAL: $ 28,303.72 $ 22,523.98
Public Forum: No written or oral comments were made.
Motion was made by Labarr to approve the FY 24 Clinton County Sheriff's Office contract with a second by Eberhart. Vote – all ayes.
Motion was made by Hosette with a second by R. Snyder to set the special meeting date for the Property Tax Rate hearing as April 9 at 5:30 P.M. with the regular meeting to follow at 6:00 P.M. Vote – all ayes.
Generator at the CAAC was tabled.
Motion was made to make a donation to the Charlotte Days committee for the 2024 celebration in the amount of $2000.00 by R. Snyder with a second by Lamaack. Vote – all ayes.
The City attorney has given notice of his office’s rate increase. A motion was made by Labarr, with a second by R. Snyder to approve the rate change. Vote – all ayes.
Cameron Costello of the Charlotte Fire Department presented the council with the plans and quotation for the new fire station structure. These plans have been approved by the special fire department committee. The quotation was in the amount of $221,955 for the basic plans for the building shell. Motion by Hosette with a second by R. Snyder to approve the preliminary plan and quote to be used for grant applications. Roll call vote: Hosette- aye, R. Snyder – aye, Lamaack – aye, Labarr – aye, Eberhart – aye. Motion approved.
Motion was made by Hosette, with a second by R. Snyder, to approve the application to the Clinton County Development Association grant for a new electronic city sign to be placed at the entrance of the campground. The City will contribute $10,000 toward the matching funds. Vote – all ayes.
Motion was made by Labarr, with a second by R. Snyder to approve the wage rate for the wastewater operator, Seth Ashpole. Vote – all ayes.
Mayor Snyder reported that a municipal infraction has been issued for the property at 121 Broadway regarding a dangerous building. The City Attorney will follow up. A certified letter has been sent for the property at 224 1st Street, requesting an update on the demolition of the property. The property at 203 1st Street has been demolished and the owner has paid the fine, including City Attorney fees. The properties at 116 Park Avenue and 124 Park Avenue will be referred to the City Attorney regarding junk vehicles. The Council discussed unsafe sidewalks in town. Hosette requested that maintenance replace the door locks on the fire station. Hosette relayed information about the outdoor emergency warning systems as discussed at the Emergency Management meeting.
Motion to adjourn at 6:49 PM by Snyder with a second by Hosette. All Ayes.
Kelly Snyder, Mayor
Peggy Sellnau, Deputy City Clerk