
Charlotte, IA 

April 2024 Regular Meeting

Charlotte City Council Proceedings

APRIL 9, 2024

Mayor Kelly Snyder called the regular meeting of the Charlotte City Council to order at 6:00 PM with council members Snyder, Eberhart, Lamaack, Labarr and Hosette present.

The consent agenda included the approval of the agenda, the clerk’s financial report, the minutes of the  March 12, 2024, regular meeting and the following revenues and expenses:

Bills paid prior to Meeting:

941 Tax – 1,756.78

IPERS – 1,073.57

State W/H- 306.26

Sales Tax-22.33

Water Excise Tax- 421.14

Alliant- 1,786.32

Windstream, phone & internet- 546.91


Accounts Payable for Meeting:

Clinton County Sheriff, monthly contract – 1,143.00

Cedar Rapids Municipal, testing- 12.50

Chris Budde, mileage- 198.20

F&B, software/email- 73.50

Ferguson, meters- 966.38

Gordon Flesch, copier- 7.17

IAMU, dues- 669.00

J&S, fuel- 200.00

John Deere Financial, maintenance- 478.05

Kenny Mohr, mileage- 81.22

Northeast, donation- 100.00

Observer, publications- 164.30

Porter Insurance, insurance- 44,241.00

Republic, garbage contract- 2,802.10

Rhonda Marlowe, mileage- 98.25

Sally Hinrichsen, tax levy- 112.82

USA Bluebook, chemicals- 717.51


Gross Wages

$ 7,848.50


MARCH  FUND                            REVENUES           EXPENSES

GENERAL FUND                          $ 10,212.22            $ 13,110.03

ROAD USE FUND                        $ 2,132.52               $ 2,297.73                      

Employee Benefit                        $ 51.82                    $ 424.80    

Emergency Fund                         $ 16.48                    $ 

LOST FUND                                  $ 3,685.27               $

FEMA                                                $                              $

ARP                                                   $                              $

Water                                            $ 7,481.64               $ 4,215.49

Sewer                                            $ 3,507.62              $ 1,498.14


TOTAL:                                           $ 27,087.57             $ 21,546.19



A motion to approve the consent agenda was made by Hosette with a second by Snyder.  All Ayes.


Public Forum:  Jim Keller attended the meeting to bring to the council’s attention a dead tree near his property, which is located on city property. He requested that the council remove the tree. The council

discussed this at length adding a few more trees that need removed as well. This will be put on next month’s agenda. Leroy Mohr attended the meeting, and the council thanked him for all the work he has done on his property. The council agreed that he was in compliance with the court order.


The sidewalk has been tabled until next month.

            A motion to approve purchasing a baseball drag and chalker was made by Eberhart with a second by Labarr. All ayes.

            A motion to keep participation with the Clinton County Association of Public Libraries the same as last year was made by Hosette with a second by Lamaack. All ayes.

Regarding the gazebo at the ball diamond- it is on hold for now.

            A motion to approve setting the Budget Adoption Hearing for April 23rd at 6:00 pm was made by Hosette with a second by Labarr. All ayes except Eberhart.

Regarding the generator- it will be moved this month.

Regarding the new fire station- they are looking for a grant writer and the fire department has begun fund-raising for a new station.



Mayor Snyder reported that during clean-up days, the city will be placing a snow fence up near the dumpsters to prevent any garbage from blowing into residents’ yards. She also reported- regarding the 224-1st street property- the owner has said it will be taken down in 3 months.  Since this issue is in the court’s hands, this will still have to be brought before the judge to inform him of their intentions and time frame. Mayor Snyder mentioned that there will be a Memorial Day Observation from 11:00 to 1:00 on the 27th with a flag burning ceremony and the reading of additional monument names. There will also be a light luncheon provided and covered dishes are welcome. Regarding the property located at 121 Broadway-the owner was uncooperative and has decided to find legal representation to fight the municipal infraction. In the meantime, an application for ‘rule to show cause’ has been filed by the city’s attorney.

Rhonda reported that the ball diamond is almost ready, and the old scoreboard has been taken down. Eberhart mentioned that it may be possible to use the old scoreboard at the city park.



Motion to adjourn at 6:28 PM by Lamaack with a second by Snyder. All Ayes.



                                                                                                Kelly Snyder, Mayor




Chris Budde, City Clerk